Project works
We offer comprehensive solutions, starting from pre-design preparation and ending with technical support at all stages of implementation.
Contracts and guarantees
We enter into contracts for all types of project work and also provide a warranty, which is determined individually depending on the type of work performed. There is an option to obtain an additional warranty.
List of project works
Reinforced concrete and metal structures
Enclosing structures
Internal drainage on a flat roof
Power supply for industrial enterprises
Solar power stations
Manufacturing premises
Logistics centers
Commercial properties
Shopping malls
Swimming pools
Livestock complexes
Warehouses complexes
Service Stations
Hotels and motels
Cafes and restaurants
Stores and supermarkets
Why we

- Certification of the DSTU ISO 37001:2018 standard (ISO 37001:2016, IDT) "Anti-Corruption Management Systems. Requirements and Guidelines for Use."
- The SSZ license, which gives the right to work with any infrastructure objects.
- We can implement large-scale projects of increased complexity from idea to implementation and further maintenance.
- We started with solving a large-scale problem - the outflow of intellectual and personnel potential in Ukraine.
- We work every day to reduce the outflow of personnel from Ukraine.
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And we will definitely call you back shortly and provide comprehensive answers to your questions.
Alexey Vladimirovich
Chief Specialist
Design works – a set of activities aimed at creating design documentation (working drawings) for the construction of new facilities, restoration and rehabilitation of existing facilities, creation of new products and samples in accordance with the state construction standards (DBN).
The direct executors of these works are design engineers, who have appropriate qualification certificates confirming the ability to perform works of the corresponding class of consequences (SS1, SS2, SS3).
The project is developed under the direction of the Chief Project Engineer (CPE). The basis for the performance of these works is the initial data, namely: the design task, technical and urban planning conditions, as well as regulations on labor protection.
The company uses computer-aided design tools, which is the application of computer systems for the development, improvement and optimization of projects.
Highlights of project work:
- Project conceptualization
- Engineering surveys at the site
- Creation of architectural and construction project
- Engineering systems design
- Obtaining necessary approvals and permits
- Author’s supervision at the construction stage
Types of design works
Architectural and design engineering
Architectural design
Architectural design is a multi-stage process, starting with the development of the general concept and ending with the working documentation. At this stage, the external and internal appearance of the building is determined and its architectural image is created. Functional zoning and room layout are developed taking into account sanitary and building norms and regulations. This section of the documentation requires careful elaboration and approval at various stages of expertise.
Interior design
Interior design is focused on creating a harmonious internal environment. In this section of the documentation, finishing materials, furniture, lighting and decor are selected. All elements must conform to a uniform style and technological requirements Estimating for these works allows you to accurately calculate the cost and budget of the project.
Development of exteriors
This subsection includes the development of the building’s exterior and the landscaping of the surrounding area. Here the selection of materials for facade cladding, roofs, installation of windows and storefronts is carried out. Everything takes place in accordance with building standards and safety requirements.
Design of landscaping
Designing the landscaping of the territory includes the organization of parking lots, sidewalks, lawns and other elements. This stage involves the preparation of bids and tenders for the execution of works. The goal is to create a convenient and comfortable space around the object, which requires compliance with a number of technological and organizational conditions.
Architectural and design engineering is a complex and multilevel process that requires the interaction of various departments and specialists, from architects to estimators and engineers. Each stage of work is regulated by relevant documentation, which ensures a high level of quality and safety of the project.
Engineering systems design
Ventilation systems: principles and technical solutions
Within the framework of ventilation system design detailed calculation of air exchange parameters is carried out. This stage involves the selection and placement of ventilation equipment in accordance with regulations and standards. The goal is to create optimal conditions for the functioning of the premises and to ensure the comfort of the personnel.
Water supply and sewerage systems
The design of water supply and sewerage systems includes the development of pipe layouts and the installation of plumbing fixtures. The process is regulated by building codes and regulations, as well as environmental safety requirements.
Gas supply: safety standards and technical solutions
Safety issues are prioritized in the design of the gas supply system. The process includes the development of gas pipeline routes, selection of equipment and installation of control systems. All work must comply with current regulations and safety standards.
Heating systems
Designing a heating system involves calculating heat loads and selecting equipment for the boiler room. The stage is regulated by construction norms, which ensure efficient and safe heat supply to the building.
Air conditioning systems
The design of the air conditioning system is aimed at maintaining optimum climatic conditions in the premises. It involves selection and placement of air conditioners in accordance with technical requirements and standards.
Designing engineering systems is a complex task that requires a multi-level approach and strict compliance with technical and safety standards. Each subsystem has its own specific requirements that must be taken into account to ensure the functionality and safety of the building.
Electrical system design: key aspects and documentation
Lightning protection and power supply
As part of the engineering design, special attention is paid to lightning protection. Here, the key elements are lightning rods and earthing systems. These components undergo strict engineering supervision and are approved in the working documentation. The next stage is power supply. The design includes the laying of cables, installation of electrical panels and other equipment, which ensures a reliable supply of electricity to the facility.
Lighting: economical and efficient
Lighting occupies an important place in the planning phase. Here, not only the required number of luminaires is calculated, but also their optimal placement. This is done taking into account sanitary and technological norms, as well as the needs of the customer. All decisions are recorded in the relevant section of the project documentation.
Power electrical equipment: reliability and continuity
Selection and placement of power electrical equipment, such as transformers, fans and pumps, is carried out in accordance with the technical specification and building regulations. These elements must ensure the smooth operation of all engineering systems and comply with safety requirements.
Final remarks
Designing electrical systems is a multi-step and complex process that requires the coordinated work of many specialists. From electrical engineers to estimators, everyone contributes to the overall project. Strict regulation and documentary support at each stage ensure a high level of quality and safety of the object.
Designing security systems
In order to minimize the risks of fire and ensure timely localization of fire, designers develop fire alarm systems these systems include smoke detectors, alarms, and automatic fire suppression systems such as sprinklers.
Video surveillance
To ensure security inside the premises and on the adjacent territory, a video surveillance system is designed video surveillance system here the optimal number of cameras is calculated, and the most effective points of their placement are selected.
Technological design: from process to equipment
In the case of production facilities, special attention is paid to technological processes. Designers develop the sequence and parameters of various operations in order to maximize production efficiency.
Automation: control and efficiency
The design includes the development of automated control systems for technological processes. This not only minimizes human participation in the process, but also significantly increases the accuracy and speed of tasks.
Equipment: specifics and technical solutions
Finally, designers develop drawings and 3D models of non-standard process equipment that is necessary for the production of products. This ensures precise compliance with all technical requirements and safety standards.
Specialized design aspects
Construction organization
In order for the construction to proceed smoothly, a construction organization project is developed. The sequence of construction of the object is determined. The need for resources is taken into account. Temporary buildings and structures are planned.
Corrosion protection
If the object is exposed to moisture, acids, salts, anticorrosion protection measures are designed. Special coatings, impregnations and insulations are considered. Cathodic protection is also applied. This extends the service life of structures.
Design stages
Pre-project preparation
Survey and investigation
At the initial stage of pre-project preparation specialists carry out a comprehensive survey of the site, focusing on such key parameters as relief, the presence of communications and soil features. To obtain the most accurate data, engineering-geological surveys and geodetic survey of the territory are performed, which allows to create the most effective and safe project.
Architectural concept
Based on the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of the site, an architectural concept of the future object is developed. This concept defines the functional purpose of the building, its number of storeys and planning solutions, which is the basis for further design.
Terms of Reference and initial permitting documentation
The next step is to draw up a statement of work, which details all the requirements and input data for the design. This document becomes the starting point for all subsequent stages of work.
In addition, initial permitting documents are collected, including technical conditions for connection to utility networks, urban planning requirements and restrictions, and sanitary norms.
Pre-project preparation creates a reliable foundation for the development of project documentation and ensures minimization of risks at subsequent stages of construction.
Development of project documentation
This stage involves a multifaceted work involving architects, designers and engineers. Architects carefully work out the general appearance of the building, its layouts and facades, creating a harmonious architectural solution.
Designers, in their turn, are engaged in calculations and design of load-bearing structures, ensuring reliability and durability of the future object. Engineers develop power supply systems the engineers develop power supply systems, water supply, sewerage, heating and ventilation systems, creating comfortable conditions for living or working.
Complex design
The project documentation includes not only drawings and plans, but also calculations of building structures, 3D models, as well as specifications of materials and equipment. All these elements are completed in strict compliance with regulatory requirements, which ensures a high level of quality and safety of the project.
Design and estimate documentation
Design and estimate documentation is an integral part of any project. It is a detailed list of works, materials, costs and other resources required to bring the project to life.
Components of estimate documentation
Estimate documentation is a key element in the design and construction process. It includes several important components:
1. A detailed scope of work
- A description of each operation or phase of the project.
- Time frame for the execution of each phase.
- Responsibility for each phase.
2. Cost of materials
- List of materials required with specifics.
- Prices of materials taking into account market fluctuations.
- Possible alternatives and substitution options.
3. Calculation of labor resources
- Number of personnel required for each phase.
- Cost of labor, taking into account the qualifications and experience of the workers.
- Additional costs for personnel training and certification.
4. Other expenses
- Transportation of materials and equipment to the construction site.
- Rental of special equipment and machinery.
- Expenses for permits, licenses and other documentation.
Important! Estimating documentation should be flexible and adaptive to changes in the project, as well as provide a contingency budget for unforeseen expenses.
Role in the project process
The estimate plays a key role in planning and managing the project budget. It helps to avoid unexpected costs and ensures efficient allocation of resources.
Importance for clients and contractors
For customers, this document is an assurance that costs are controlled. For contractors, it acts as a work plan and a calculation of the resources required.
Working documentation: the path to project realization
Preparation of working drawings
Once the project is approved, the preparation of the working documentation begins, which includes the creation of a complete set of working drawings for each system, structure and assembly. These drawings will serve as the basis for construction work and equipment installation.
Specifications and bills of quantities
In addition to drawings, specifications, as well as lists of equipment, products and materials are also developed. This documentation will be the basis for procurement and further construction, ensuring that the design solutions are precisely followed at all stages of implementation.
The working documentation is the final stage before construction work begins and must be as accurate and complete as possible to minimize risks and ensure effective project implementation.
Advantages of professional design
Compliance with regulations and standards
Professional designers in the development of documentation strictly comply with all applicable norms and standards. In Ukraine, this includes such documents as GSN, OSN, SNiP and DBN, which establish mandatory requirements for the design and construction of various objects. Strict compliance with these regulations not only guarantees safety, but also ensures the long-term reliability of erected buildings and structures.
Integrated approach to design
Professional design organizations employ specialists of all necessary profiles – from architects to engineers of various specializations. This allows for a comprehensive and harmonious development of both architectural and construction and all engineering solutions, creating a complete and functional project.
Saving time and financial resources
Experienced designers are able to optimize the decisions made, thus minimizing the probability of errors and rework. This saves the customer’s money, but also significantly reduces construction time, speeding up the commissioning of the facility.
Technical support at all stages of realization
Professional designers are not limited only to project development; they also provide author’s supervision and consulting support at all stages of project realization. They exclude the possibility of deviating from the pre-determined design solutions and guarantee high quality of construction.
Professional design is a complex process that takes into account many factors, from compliance with legal regulations to saving resources and time. Opting for experienced designers provides a number of undeniable advantages that will more than pay off in the long run.